Unpaid tolls
What is Non-payment of the toll?
When the toll is not paid, in whole or in part, a non-payment receipt is issued. Each receipt (Non-Payment report) specifies the vehicle data (class and license plate), transit data (date, time, exit toll) and, if available, the entry toll and the amount to be paid.
In case of lack of the entrance ticket, the online payment system allows to selfcertify the entry toll gate.
The toll payment can be made with no additional costs within 15 days from the date of issue. After this period, administration fees (art. 176 sub. 11 bis of the Highways Code) will be added to the payable amount.
How to pay
Online payment
Statements of unpaid toll issued by CAV S.p.A. can be paid online. Payment can be made for statements of unpaid toll received directly at toll booths or issued by post in the form of a payment reminder.
In line with the provisions of the Digital Administration Code (art. 5 Legislative Decree no. 82/2005), Concessioni Autostradali Venete - CAV S.p.A. since 7 September 2021 has adopted the PagoPA System. The PagoPA system is a new payment method which guarantees safe and reliable electronic payments to public bodies in a standardized way.
The user may choose the method of payment (payment available for credit card or current account) Before proceeding with any payment, the System indicates the commission fees applied by the service provider.
The payment reminder shall contain the following information:
- Purpose of the payment (No. of the unpaid toll – RMPP)
- Notice Code (IUV Code)
These data are required by the PagoPA System.
Online payments are available for credit card or current account, by selecting the MY Bank item.